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Upcoming Events and Contests

Posted on October 5, 2013 at 6:05 PM

I wanted to put up a comic about being sick but my computer in it’s infinite wisdom would not allow it . I found this that was sent to me by a friend and she is right. Let go.

Numerous things are happening. First off, I made an announcement over at Scribbler’s Ink Blog You can visit and read it in it’s entirety, On Saturday, October 26th on Nights of Passion blog, I’m premiering The Stormy Love Life of Laura Cordelais. It’s the book that started everything. It’s been requested by fans and there was a lot of unhappiness when Tease Publishing LLC closed and it was taken down. For those that missed out it’s the story of David Hilliard and Laura Cordelais. The forbidden tale of love between a vampire and a Telkhine (a storm caller). It’s a tale of New York and New Orleans and the nether regions where evil dwells and doesn’t give up its travelers. It’s a tale of giving up everything to save the one you love, if she can be saved. Be sure to mark that date on your calendar. I will be giving away a Kindle ebook copy of The Stormy Love Life of Laura Cordelais to one lucky commenter on Nights of Passion blog..

Also from Oct. 24-31st on Nights of Passion blog, we will be having the Spooktacular. Every day there will be two authors posting, one at midnight and one at 2 am. So be sure to scroll and enter the contests. They are bound to be fun. It’s going to be filled with tidbits too of author memories of Halloween, maybe some costuming tips, recipes for Halloween goodies, etc. Don’t miss out on that. We have a lot of great authors joining us for the fun and lots of giveaways.

At the same time almost, I will be at The Romance Studio for their Spookalooza from Oct. 25-31.

Their website is I will be doing a giveaway over there.

Then for the icing on the cake. I’m going over to England…very virtually anyway. I will be on the Holiday Blog Hop Trick of Treat Giveaway. I will be using my blog at my website, which is the News page. With the list of the other author’s websites too and I will be giving away another prize, which is here..

On Nov. 1st, I will rest. Hugs to everyone and thanks so much for reading Nights of Passion blog and my website. We have so much fun with you. My chicken soup is ready.


Susan Hanniford Crowley

Specializing in Vampires and Rare Supernaturals

Where love burns eternal and whispers in the dark!

New Release: Vampire King of New York available at Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook

New Release: When Love Survives available at Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, Kobo, Smashwords, etc.

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