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My News Blog

The official personal blog of Author Susan Hanniford Crowley featuring news and upcoming events, information about her science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romance.

Posted on May 23, 2011 at 6:33 PM

Beginning Sunday, May 22 and ending at 11:59 PM EST May 28th, I'll be having a vampire contest on the News Page of this site. To enter, you say in the comment box "I love vampires!" One lucky commenter will win a PDF ebook of THE STORMY LOVE LIFE OF LAURA CORDELAIS. This contest is worldwide and void where prohibited by law.

Good luck everyone. Remember it doesn't start until the first minute of May 22. Posting before than will not count. One post per contestant. Thanks.

Because I was late posting the contest, I will extend it to 11:59 PM EST May 29th. Good luck.

Posted on May 30, 2011 at 7:15 PM

In the United States of America today, it's a day of parades honoring our service members, picnics with the family, and a day to reflect. I want to thank all our service members currently serving over seas and at home. Thank you for your service. We're thinking of you. We're also remembering those who have died for our country.


Posted on June 4, 2011 at 6:29 PM

I'm going to be writing everyday or almost every day. I have some goals to work on. You might have the same ones or different ones. Let's help each other. How? With encouragement. Goal 1: I would like to lose weight. I lost weight and gained it back again. Frustrating, isn't it? I'm going to exercise every day. I will post here what exercise I did. If you have this same goal, you are welcome to post what exercise you did. Goal 2: I'm going to write a thousand words a day. That's words on a novel or novella. I not counting the words I post on a blog. i will post word count here whether I make it or not. Goal 3: I needed to buy a new sofa. Mine... well, it sagged. Today my husband and I bought a new sofa. The one we really wanted was too big for the space. Sigh. But we compromised and bought our second choice. I wanted a great sofa to put up my feet and type like a maniac in comfort. It would also be comfy if a friend wanted to stay over and sleep on it. So GOAL ACCOMPLISHED!

This is how it works. You are welcome to post your goals and how you're doing. I will be, and together we'll encourage each other.

What's happening right now? I interviewed paranormal romance author Rebecca Royce at Rebecca's running a contest, so if you want to enter visit the site abovean d follow the directions. I've also given a prize to the Night Owl Reviews Summer Web Hunt. Find out all about it and all the other prizes from a lot of authors at


Goal 1: Kickboxed this morning Goal 2: In-progress


All the works and exercises on this site are copyrighted. Please, do not copy for commercial use without the written permission of Susan Hanniford Crowley. Thank you.

Copyright © 2006-2024 Susan Hanniford Crowley. All Rights Reserved.

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