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My News Blog

The official personal blog of Author Susan Hanniford Crowley featuring news and upcoming events, information about her science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romance.

Posted on July 19, 2011 at 5:49 PM

I've been doing well. Most days I average 1000 words. One day I did 2000, but the next I did 500. Right now I am 4500 words from the end of my newest vampire/supernatural adventure romance novel.

Exercise? Kickboxed twice last week and walked one day. I've been glued to the computer trying to finish the book. Preparing for the Authors After Dark Convention? I have my steampunk costume almost done. I need footwear and some accessories. But for the second costume, I'm starting from scratch. If you can't do everything, forgive yourself and start again the next day. Goals are challenging. :-) You're worth the challenge. Hang in there and so will I. --Susan Susan Hanniford Crowley

Posted on August 14, 2011 at 10:05 PM

I'm back from Authors After Dark in Philadelphia, and I'm absolutely whipped into the ground. Hours after hours of bumper to bumper traffic in the pouring rain and fog. The convention was awesome. Interesting and fun stuff happened. I also had laryngitis during the event. Fortunately when I lost my voice on Friday, I had no panels to speak on. By Saturday, it was back but scratchy. The ride home knocked the socks off me.

As for the goals, I may have lost a little weight not wanting to eat much with my sore throat. I don't recommend losing weight this way. Also getting sick hasn't helped with the writing. I did manage to write the beginning to a new story. I edited a little.

On the flip side of the author's life is meeting people which is a blast. I met a lot of people at the convention and booksigning. More on the happenings later.


Posted on January 28, 2013 at 8:20 PM


I'm back from Arisia in Boston and became seriously ill. With two weeks out from the conference and my world having grown silent, an eye, nose, and throat doctor is now the case. I see him again on Monday and I'm hoping with the new prescription to have made some progress. Fortunately for me, before I left for Boston I emailed in the edits to my editor. So very glad I did that. Because edits need a clear head. Valentine's Day is the birthday of Nights of Passion blog, and a little bird told me that one of our new authors on staff will be doing a special giveaway, so you won't want to miss that. I've leapt into another book while my editor is working. It's good to keep rolling albeit slowly as I'm under the weather. But I'll get better and then there will be another powerful romance book! YAY!



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