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My News Blog

The official personal blog of Author Susan Hanniford Crowley featuring news and upcoming events, information about her science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romance.

Posted on August 31, 2011 at 11:15 PM

When a writer loses power and is editing a book, it's mind numbing. That's what I've gone through this weekend and week, until the power came back on and more. When the power is gone, everything is the family. How do we provide all the basics of life? We haul water for all the sanitary needs. We listen glued to the radio for information. We try to keep everything together. Cooking, cleaning, living all becomes harder.

The power's back but the difficulty with living has changed. With all the trees down and roads closed, it takes longer to get to work. Finding gas is a challenge. Finding a store that will take a credit card--nearly impossible. Be brave, pay attention, and be flexible. Learn a new way quickly. That's what it's all about in Post Hurricane Irene Connecticut. In the blink of a hurricane's eye, we've gone colonial. I have to tell you I was ecstatic when I had a cell phone signal I could call on again. When my Wifi worked, Woo hoo! Cable returned! Amazing. Slowing we're marching into the modern age again. Perhaps this time, it will be a kinder, more productive age for more people. There's still a part of me that hopes for a Star Trek Utopia, where creativity is valued and people have their basic needs cared for. --Susan

Posted on September 3, 2011 at 4:40 PM

After the hurricane, there was a lot to do. Now I'm back to focusing on my goals. For the weight, I've resumed kickboxing and am eliminating bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes from my diet. We'll see how I do.

For my writing, I'm back to doing the edits on my book. I'm pushing now since I have people waiting for it. Yes, there are vampires and rare supernaturals.

I also have two different books that will also start series and two novellas. One started in Philadelphia and I handwrote it by booklight during the storm. It's a third done, but I know the entire story.

One of my favorite holidays is coming up--Halloween. So we'll be having great writers and contests all week long. That requires setup and I'm in the process.

Yes, I'm completely back. --Susan

Posted on September 11, 2011 at 8:40 PM

I've learned a few things this week. One is that if you're on a writing deadline, starting a diet probably won't work. One big thing at a time is enough right now. Dieting is a big thing, and turning in a book on deadline is also a big thing. Sleep is important to writing well. From my reserach, sleeping 7-8 hours a day is also important to losing weight. Apparently if you don't get enough sleep, you're body thinks you need more food and your appetite increases.

Sleeping the full eight is tough for me. I become alive in a huge way writing-wise at night. Oh well. I'm working on it. Back to editiing.

- Susan


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