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My News Blog

The official personal blog of Author Susan Hanniford Crowley featuring news and upcoming events, information about her science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romance.

Posted on March 6, 2015 at 11:15 AM

I have a World Book Day Contest set up on Facebook. It's one of the accepted contest apps on Facebook. You will see the Yellow Star. Click on the words beneath it. To enter you put in your name, email and submit." target="_blank"> Contest ends on Saturday, March 7 at midnight Eastern Time. Yes, I'm having a multiple day World Book Day! Giggles. Remember you can't enter here, only over there. Good luck!

Posted on October 3, 2010 at 6:04 PM

I'm thrilled to announce that a limited print edition of The Stormy Love Life of Laura Cordelais is for sale through my Web Store. This is before it goes into general distribution.

Also coming up: I am guest blogging in several places this month. Check out the Calendar. I always have to keep myself focused.

What I'm especially excited about is Halloween. This is the height of my writing season, when I'm the most inspired. Woo hoo. I'm going to get another pumpkin.


Posted on February 5, 2013 at 8:10 PM

2013 had brought all sorts of things. I'm working on the 2nd edits of my novel about Vampire David Hilliard's father, Max. I'm real excited to be working on this with Soul Mate Publishing. As soon as I know, I will be announcing the launch of that new book and the beginning of a new series. My other publisher Tease Publishing is closing its doors. Already the links to all their books are gone. I am sorry that for a while my already published work will not be available. I will be working to get that out again. Change happens and we hope to grow and become better. Hugs, everyone. Keep the good thoughts!



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