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My News Blog

The official personal blog of Author Susan Hanniford Crowley featuring news and upcoming events, information about her science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romance.

Posted on October 1, 2011 at 3:40 PM

In celebration of Halloween, I'm running a series of contest throughout out October. A special welcome to the readers of Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine. When you enter, please, read the directions and say which contest you are entering.

Contest 1: I'm giving away a A VAMPIRE FOR CHRISTMAS hat. To enter, say "I want a vampire for Christmas" and "contest 1" in the comment box. This contest is for US and Canadian residents only. Contest 2: I'm giving away a pdf copy of WHEN LOVE SURVIVES. To enter, say "It's good to shapeshift" and "contest 2" in the comment box. This contest is open to worldwide residents. Contest 3: I'm giving away a THE STORMY LOVE LIFE OF LAURA CORDELAIS tote bag. To enter, say "It's stormy" and "contest 3 in the comment box. The contest is open to US and Canadian residents only. There will only be one winner for each contest. All of these first three contests will close on October 15, 2011 at midnight Eastern Time. Good luck, everyone! Be sure to fill to include your email with your entry.


Posted on January 19, 2012 at 7:00 PM

If you've visited Nights of Passion blog recently, you already know that I've been plagued with a serious bout of block. The overwhelming stresses and various crises in the family put writing far from me. I had to surrender and had started to write again albeit a little at a time. I love my RWA chapter (CTRWA), because they never fail to inspire me. They had Hillary Rettig as a guest speaker talking about "Overcoming Procrastination, Perfectionism, and Writer's Block." I found her tremendously helpful. One of the things Iearned had to do with resources and gathering the best ones you can. I went home and realized that I had all my project in too many places. I put everything on one computer and then backed up on Dropbox and also a portable hard drive. And a flash drive. Okay, I'm obessive. But the great thing about Dropbox is that it will synch all your computers and/or devices. Also while Hillary was talking I realized I was stuck on the idea of working on one project at a time until it was finished. Somewhere during the workshop, it became okay to work on one project until I got as much out as I could and then switch to another project. So I will be switching between projects now. I feel inner peace and not as much pressure as I did before. To find Hillary Rettig: I recently was reading the ProfHacker and he talked about a website called The premise behind the site is to create a private place to increase writing. I went to and have started the grand experiment to write more and consistently. I'll let you know how that turns out. As for the walking experiment, I found out I really don't care for walking. But my hand has recovered and I have my doc's permission to return to the dojo and punch the daylights out of the bags. <evil smile> I am also starting to eat salads and Greek yogurt. Things can only look up. YAY!!! How are you doing?



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