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My News Blog

The official personal blog of Author Susan Hanniford Crowley featuring news and upcoming events, information about her science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal romance.

Posted on June 14, 2011 at 9:41 PM

Well I managed 800 words yesterday (Monday) and I walked for 30 minutes.

Today I worked at the day job and then went kickboxing. I still have writing to do. As you know I also worked on Goal 3, which was packing promo and prizes for a convention. Driving home from kickboxing tonight, I came up with Goal 4: Experience the Wonder. What do I mean by that? As I was driving home, night swallowed the sky. I drove into this cavernous mouth of midnight blue with thin gold lines. Driving into night. Pretty cool. --Susan

Posted on June 15, 2011 at 6:55 PM

DI love lightning--very exciting. I love the cool rain brings. It's very inspirational for my writing. It wasn't supposed to rain today, but whoosh. Unfortunately I missed the lunar eclipse. It couldn't be seen in North America.

Last night after coming home from kickboxing, I managed 1000 words. Gerri is continuing to do a great job too. How is everyone else doing? On June 25th, over on Nights of Passion blog, Gerri is having romance author and marketing expert Jennifer Fusco taking about brand marketing. They're going to give to one lucky commenter a free website analysis. So if you're looking for suggestions on how to improve your website, drop by on June 25th.

I am also excited that Poseidon's Catch and Mrs. Bright's Tea Room will be available soon in print. Stay tuned for further developments.


Posted on June 20, 2011 at 5:39 PM

Yes, I have lost my mind. Yesterday was my dad's 82nd birthday. Consequently I ate ice and did not walk or kickbox. I also only wrote about 500 words. Darn. But I had a great time at his party. It is vitally important that you have a great time in life and include the things you love. While I'm at it let's look at some other things I love. I love Jonathan Maberry's book Vampire Universe. It's an alphabetical resource of vampiric creatures from around the world. Yes! I think I've mentioned this book before, but it really is that good. I love the Irish movie Once. It's the story of a street performer who meets a girl, a musician from Czech Republic, and how together they pursue a dream. I love my new Facebook author fan page. I love it so much that I'm inviting romance, urban fantasy, sf, & fantasy authors, you are invited to post book covers & blurbs on my Facebook page And what I really love is that lets me shorten my links. Let's recap: I've talked about my goals, a great resource book, a fun movie, my new Facebook page and my author invitation (please, visit and Like me), and a website that offers a valuable public service. There are paid services as well. Tell me about your goals or what you love today. -- Susan


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