Posted on June 27, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Sometimes life rearranges your goals. That's why I'm writing now rather than later. I went out to walk and only got so far when a family of skunks (very adorable) came out of the driveway of a neighbor. I turned around and ran home. Okay, we met our exercise goal partially by running instead. LOL
Satuday I worked on promotions for Nights of Passion blog, where our guests always get first class treatment. I fell a little short of my writing goal. Shadow boxed. I think I learned all of Muay Thai combo 2.
Sunday was a wash. I wrote about 200 words,but that's okay. I went to two great birthday parties and watched True Blood. My daughter, Sarah, who received great gifts gave me a present to celebrate the return of True Blood--two adorable crocheted dolls of

Sookie and Vampire Bill. I've emailed the doll artist about being interviewed for Nights of Passion. I'll keep you posted. They both came with heart beads with tiny vampire bites so I tied them on.
Monday, actually after helping the family and doing errands, I've managed to almost reach my 1000 writing goal.
I think the point of all this to always redirect yourself to the goal and don't forget enjoy life.